Taylor Swift AI Art: Restructure of the Music Industry

BY - Singh

Image Credit : Unsplash

Taylor Swift uses Artificial intelligence artists to generate stunning artworks based on her songs.

Image Credit : Unsplash

The lyrics and tunes of Swift’s songs are fed into the AI that then produces non-repetitive and evocative graphics.

Image Credit : Unsplash

Every pic created by AI describes the viscerosensory experience and plot of Swift’s songs in vivid detail.   

Image Credit : Unsplash

Therefore, in analyzing Swift’s AI art, one cannot distinguish between music and technology and artistic creativity.

Image Credit : Unsplash

The audience and lovers of arts are fascinated with the synergy of the AI technology in combination with Swift’s creativity.

Image Credit : Unsplash

Swift’s creations are now considered as part of AI and these are displayed worldwide so as to present a view on the advancement of digital imagination in music.

Image Credit : Unsplash

AI pics presented by Swift are innovative as they try to establish new borders in the art related to music.

Image Credit : Unsplash